22 October 2012

Rune Might: The Secret Practices of 20th Century Rune Magicians

Rune Might: The Secret Practices of 20th Century Rune Magicians by Edred Thorsson is now available online at http://www.scribd.com/collections/2392386/Rune-Might-The-Secret-Practices-of-20th-Century-Rune-Magicians 

From the cover: "This work reveals, for the first time in the English language, the long-hidden secrets of the German Rune Magicians who practiced their arts in the beginning of the 20th century. Most of their work has been unavailable even in German for many decades. This book includes material by Guido von List, Friedrich Bernhard Marby, Siegfried Adolf Kummer, Karl Maria Wiligut, Peryt Shou, Karl Spiesberger and others. This text presents the best and most powerful of the runic techniques developed in the early phase of the runic revival and offers them as a coherent set of exercises. Experience rune-yoga, rune-dance, runic hand gestures (mudras), rune-signing (mantras), group rites with runes, runic healing, and two of the most powerful methods of engaging transpersonal powers~W the ritual of the Ninth Night and the Ritual of the Grail-Cup."

24 August 2012

Indo-European Languages Originated in Anatolia, Research Suggests

It should be no surprise that scientists believe the Indo-European language family originated in or near Anatolia. It has long been held that the Aryan peoples originated near the Caucasus Mountains (hence the words "Caucasian" and "Caucasoid" ). for more on the latest scientific evidence see http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120823175406.htm

15 August 2012

Rûna-Raven Press Closing its Doors

Rûna-Raven Press, which has been a mainstay of the Heathen community for many years, will be going out of business as of 20 September 2012. They will honour all orders that have
already been made and we still encourage everyone to buy the books still available before 20 September, which are bound to be collectors items because of their reputation for high quality works.

Because they can print on-demand, merchandise will still be available until the final date. For all those books you said, “one day I'll get around to buying go to http://www.runaraven.com

31 July 2012

Religion & Politics

People ask me why it is that online I generally talk about politics on certain forums and about religion on others.

Irminenschaft—whether associated with a an organization or not—has always encouraged Heathens to be politically involved. Consider, for a moment, the Principles of Irminenschaft:


How many of these things may be promoted in our lives and in our cultures if we are not involved in the civic processes that effect these very concepts?

Consider too, the old Heathen adage, “we are our ancestors” and it doesn't take long to recognize that the decisions we make as a society today (whether electing politicians, voting on issues, becoming activists for certain causes or what have you) will have dramatic effects on how we live our lives two or three generations away. It would be folly NOT to be politically involved!

Historically combining religion and politics has never mixed well—at least not since the formation of nation-states, as these problems do not seem to exist in tribal cultures. I do not believe that this is not because of the religion in question or the political structure either. But if we look at wide-ranging examples such as Massachusetts Bay Colony (their theocracy kicked out Rhode Island before Maine seceded); The Islámic Republic of Iran (which sees constant uprisings and allows human rights abuses); the Holy See, a/k/a/ Vatican City (after a long history of sexual abuses we are now learning of banking abuses as well); and we won't even begin to talk about the Inquisition under Protestantism!

As for those religious leaders who have also taken public political stands: Jerry Falwell; Martin Luther King, Jr; Louis Farrakhan Muhammad, Sr; Jesse Jackson; Billy Graham; ad nauseam I will not weigh the benefits or injuries of their political efforts here, but I will question the effect of their efforts on their respective religious bodies.

On the other hand, though, Irminic leaders have never tried to tell other Irminen how to vote, what causes to support, or what politicians to endorse. I believe that this is good. While it makes sense that a spiritual movement such as ours would promote civic involvement one's spirituality ought not be defined by one's politics either. I have known Irminen who are Democrats and those who are Republicans; progressives and conservatives; libertarians and national socialists; constitutionalists and democratic socialists... All are good Irminen. And this is how it should be.

I don't expect to gather with a bunch of Irminen so that we can march in front of Beacon Hill. I expect to raise toasts at the appropriate times, feast at the appropriate times, set aside a meal for any god who may join us and go home feeling spiritually fulfilled.

~~Steve Anthonijsz

15 April 2012

New Irminic Store

The old CafePress shop is being replaced by a Zazzle online store with all new designs! T-shirts, beer steins, coffee mugs and more will be available. The first few designs are already on the page, but more will be up throughout the next few weeks. Check out the new store at http://www.zazzle.com/irminenschaft

~~Steve Anthonijsz

Scientists find runes on ancient comb


04 April 2012

Springtime Remedies

While we're sure that all our readers are enjoying the blessings of Ôstarûn right now, the fact that the weather has been both unusual and unpredictable across the country may bring on some minor aliments and allergies that can distract from the beauty of this heilag tide. Just it case it might be wise to arm oneself with a bit of traditional healing knowledge:

~~Radböd Artisson

13 March 2012

New Irminic Wesite

Die Irminen Gefolgschaft ("The Fellowship of Irminen") may be viewed at http://irminenschaft.weebly.com/

02 March 2012

The end... And a beginning

After long consideration the Irminen-Gesellschaft is closing its doors. Despite all our efforts it seems that the IG is simply not fulfilling its goals.

HOWEVER this is certainly not the end of Irminenschaft! The tradition will continue even after the demise of this organization. Already Vaygar Yngvi Elmersson and I have begun work on an online project called Die Gefährten Irminen (MoHG “The Irminic Companions”) to help promote Irminenschaft and other Irminen may develop their own projects in the near future.

Zeitgeist magazine will continue long enough to fulfil existing subscription commitments, and Roots of Irminsûl will continue as an Irminic blog. But the other functions of the IG are ending. May our ancestors guide us in our future endeavours...

Heil der Göttir!
Heil der altmâgâ!
Heil die Volk!

~~Steve Anthonijsz

10 February 2012

2012 Irminic Liturgical Calendar (corrected)

Some errors were found in the calendar as previously posted. Corrections appear herein.

Hartmânôd (“HarshMonth”): 26 December – 24 January
Hêrmânôd (“HoarMonth”): 25 January – 22 February
Lenzomânôd (“LentMonth”): 23 February – 23 March
Ôstarmânôd (“Ôstarâ’s Month”):24 March – 21 April
Wunnîmânôd (“BlissfulMonth”): 22 April – 21 May
Brachmânôd (“FallowMonth”): 22 May – 20 June
Anderbrachmânôd (“Another Fallow Month” [intercalary]) 21 June – 20 July
Hewîmânôd (“HayMonth”): 21 July – 18 August
Aranmânôd (“HarvestMonth”): 19 August – 16 September
Skeidentimânôd (“Summers’sEnd Month”): 17 September – 16 October
Gelomânôd (“YellowMonth”): 17 October – 14 November
Nebulmânôd (“MistMonth”): 15 November – 14 December
Iulmânôd (“IulMonth”): 15 December – 12 January

Heilagmâl (“holy tides”):

Landsegen: 14 Hêrmânôd (7 February)
Ôstarûn: 13-15 Ôstarmânôd (5-7 April)
Walburganaht: 16 Wunnîmânôd (6 May)
Sunnawendî: 30 Brachmânôd – 11Anderbrachmânôd (20 June – 1 July)
Hleibmessa: 13Aranmânôd (31 August)
Wintarnaht: 13 Gelomânôd (29 October)
Iulzît: 7- 18 Iulmânôd (21 December – 1 January)

02 February 2012

2012 Irminic Liturgical Calendar

Hartmânôd (“Harsh Month”): 23 January – 20 February
Hêrmânôd (“Hoar Month”): 21 February – 22 March
Lenzomânôd (“Lent Month”): 23 March – 20 April
Ôstarmânôd (“Ôstarâ’s Month”): 21 April – 19 May
Wunnîmânôd (“Blissful Month”): 20 May – 18 June
Brachmânôd (“Fallow Month”): 19 June – 18 July
Hewîmânôd (“Hay Month”): 19 July – 16 August
Aranmânôd (“Harvest Month”): 17 August – 15 September
Skeidentimânôd (“Summers’s End Month”): 16 September – 14 October
Gelomânôd (“Yellow Month”): 15 October – 12 November
Nebulmânôd (“Mist Month”): 13 November – 12 December
Iulmânôd (“Iul Month”): 13 December – 10 January

Heilagmâl (“holy tides”):
Landsegen: 16 Hartmânôd (7 February)
Ôstarûn: 16-18 Lenzomânôd (5-7 April)
Walburganaht: 16 Ôstarmânôd (6 May)
Sunnawendî: 2-13 Brachmânôd (20 June – 1 July)
Hleibmessa: 15 Aranmânôd (31 August)
Wintarnaht: 15 Gelomânôd (29 October)
Iulzît: 9- 20 Iulmânôd (21 December – 1 January)